Welcome to ViPZE Sports!
On behalf of our amazing team of Leaders around the World, our highly committed corporate team, my two Visionary Partners and myself…Welcome to ViPZE Sports!!!
“YOU” are the most important piece in our rapidly growing Global Family! It is “YOU” as a Highly Valued Customer utilizing one of our many free online products or as an Affiliate building a Worldwide Business to Create Wealth for your family, that is the most vital element to the Success of VIP. It is “YOU” that makes the difference!!!
I am Scott E. Mercker…Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of VIP. To our Team I am Head Coach Scotty B! Feel free to call me Scotty B! We are creating the Worlds Largest Team of Givers…and “YOU” can play as big a part on our team as you would like! How much impact do you want to make in this world???
Our model is simple and is based on the same methodology that Microsoft, Google, Facebook Yahoo, AOL, Skype, Hotmail, Youtube, ESPN Sports, Myspace and many other companies utilize. Provide websites that give free products to people and as they come by the billions to use these products they see On-Line Advertising. This generates BILLIONS $$$ in revenue monthly and these companies create wealth. We do the exact same thing…offer free products that everyone online uses every day and new ones as well. The difference in them and us…we share 50% of the revenue back with the people who get people to come to our sites and use “OUR” products…that is “YOU”!
What are our free products…free Social Networking site (ONMYVIP), free Fantasy Sports Games (ViPZE SPORTS and VIPSPORTSTUBE), free next generation totally private email (ONVIPMAIL), Private Instant Messaging service that ties into MSN, Yahoo, AIM, Etc..(OMVIPIM), free unlimited internet calling worldwide (VIP2VIP) and much more to come. All things people already do every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. As they go online to use these free products they see online advertising and “YOU” get paid!
How many people can you get to come use our free services?
How many people do you know who need or want to make more money that can get people to use our free products?
It really is the simplest business model ever brought to the Home Based Business Industry…and the most FUN!
Imagine a day when there will be people who you or one of your affiliates knows who is online half way around the world playing one our Fantasy Sports Games or sending a private ONVIPMAIL email or making a free international call with VIP2VIP. You are asleep while they are online, using their free product, seeing On-Line Advertising and you are getting paid while you sleep! I don’t know about you but I think that is one of the coolest ways I can think of to create wealth…while I sleep!
Web 2.0 is here and it is now. I can not over emphasize the importance of taking Massive Action Immediately and sharing all of our free products with everyone you know all around the world and building a Global Business NOW! This is like the land grab of 1849 in California…the Gold Rush. Only ours is World Wide and it is on the internet and every single day makes a difference. Build a Global team of Givers and get Paid!
This is not “Get Rich Quick”…this is a way to build a Global Business in the next 12-24 months and get paid for the next 20 years!
Are you Coachable?
Are you a Team Player?
Evaluate our business. It is the most thoroughly documented and validated business ever to be a home based business model. With VIP…you are building a business and Creating Wealth the same way as these Great Global Companies and Billionaires! (Microsoft, MySpace, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Youtube, Skype, ESPN Sports, AOL, Hotmail, Rupert Murdock, Carl Icahn and many more!)
The only Limit to Your Success…is the Limit to Your Vision!
I would like to personally invite you to start on “YOUR” Global Journey by joining us NOW! Start getting everyone you know to use our products for free. Let everyone you care about know how they can do the same thing and Create Wealth for their families. Become a part of what will become…the Biggest Team of Givers in the World.
Be a part of something Outstanding…Have a Blast…Help a lot of people to Create Greatness in “THEIR” Lives while you Create Greatness in “YOURS”!
Your Head Coach,
Scotty B